Sweetman Renewables Ltd

Company description

Sweetman Renewables Ltd is located in New South Wales, Australia. Sweetman Renewables is focused on the sawmill in addition to employment by Sweetman Biomass related to the sourcing, processing, logistics and transport of biomass. Sweetman Renewables is planning to produce green hydrogen commercially through the gasification of woodchips. 

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Company details

New South Wales

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
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Company updates

  • September 15, 2021

    Sweetman Renewables signs deal with CAC-Hâ‚‚ for wood fed hydrogen plant development in NSW

    Australian renewables startup Sweetman Renewables Ltd. has entered into a joint-venture agreement with Singaporean company CAC-Hâ‚‚ to develop a wood-fed hydrogen production center in New South Wal...

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