Poseidon Energia Renovable SA

Company description

Poseidón Energía Renovable S.A. (PER) is an electricity generation company from renewable sources established in the Dominican Republic in 2004 by the French firms Inversiones Energía 3000 and Grupo Valorem. Based in Santo Domingo, since 2017, PER builds the 48.3-MW wind farm project Los Guzmancitos in the Province of Puerto Plata.

Company details

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • August 30, 2021

    Poseidon Energia Renovable starts construction of Los Guzmancito wind farm Phase 2

    Poseidon Energia Renovable SA, an affiliate of the Grupo Energetico 23 consortium, has started the construction of the second phase of the Los Guzmancito wind farm project that has a generating c...

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