Floventis Energy

Company description

Floventis Energy is a developer of floating wind energy projects intended to stimulate and accelerate the floating wind market in Europe. The company secures seabed rights and relevant permits and specializes in the design and construction of portable energy generation plants by implementing technologies for floating offshore wind activities.

Other companies in UK (United Kingdom)

Company details

The Boathouse Hawkcraig Road Aberdour United Kingdom KY3 0TZ

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • March 06, 2023

    Floventis Energy completes geophysical surveys for floating wind farms in the Celtic Sea

    Floventis Energy, through its contracted survey contractor N-Sea, has completed a series of benthic and geophysical surveys for floating wind farms in the Celtic Sea. N-Sea conducted the off...

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