
Company description

Fepam is the environmental protection agency in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil. State Secretariat for the Environment and Infrastructure (Sema), established in 1999, is the central body of the State Environmental Protection System (Sisepra), responsible for managing environmental policy in Rio Grande Sul

Other companies in Brazil

São Luís
São Paulo

Company details

Porto Alegre
Av. Borges de Medeiros 1501, 7th floor - Praia de Belas Porto Alegre - RS - Brazil

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • August 07, 2023

    Preliminary licence issued for 643.5 MW wind complex in Brazil

    Fepam, the environmental protection agency in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, has granted the preliminary license (LP) for the 643.5 MW Harmonia wind power complex located in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil...

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