Company description

DWPF Ltd is an established financial advisory firm specialising in structuring and arranging project finance, primarily in the PFI and PPP markets. Integral to its advisory activities DWPF maintains a market leading financial modelling team.

With a decade of experience, DWPF has provided innovative and independent advice on over 100 completed deals, raising in excess of £4 billion of financing in the process. Clients include construction and facilities management firms, private equity houses, infrastructure funds and other investors.

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Company details

86 Jermyn Street.London.SW1Y 6JD.England

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • February 26, 2021

    DWPF provides model audit for 448 MW Courseulles-sur-Mer Offshore Wind Farm

    DWPF provided model audit advice to EDF Renewables, Enbridge, and wpd on the financing of the 448 MW Courseulles-sur-Mer Offshore Wind Farm in France. The 448-MW Calvados offshore wind project is com...

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