Brasil Plural

Company description

Brasil Plural S.A. - Banco Múltiplo, a financial institution, focuses on providing structured finance, financial advisory, and asset management services in Brazil and internationally. The company also offers investment banking services, such as IPO, stock issue, mergers and acquisitions, private placement, structured credit operations, and issue of debt, and a distribution platform of financial products for institutional and retail clients in the fixed income, equity, and real estate markets. It provides real estate capital market and real estate receivables securitization solutions, as well as manages real estate investments.

Other companies in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro
Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo
Rio de Janeiro

Company details

Sao Paulo
Rua Surubim, 373, 1º andar, São Paulo, SP 04571-050, brazil

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions