J. Safra CVC Ltda

Company description

J. Safra CVC Ltda is the Home Broker system of Safra Corretora that allows investors to operate on the Bovespa Segment, via the internet, automatically sending purchase and sale orders of shares and options. In addition to the practicality and speed of the negotiations, Safra Net Ações offers advantages such as: Trading Panel, Stop order,Start orderOrder Change, Real-time quotes,Technical Analysis through charts,Fundamental Analysis, Custom query layouts, Online Custody, Brokerage notes, Consultation of financial positions. Safra Corretora offers its customers a product that can increase their stock yields. Excellence in economic projections is one of the pillars of Safra Corretora's management strategy.

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Sao Paulo
Sao Paulo
Rio de Janeiro

Company details

Sao Paulo
JSS Administradora de Recursos Ltda. Avenida Paulista, 2150 – 15º Andar Cerqueira César CEP 01310-300 São Paulo, SP Brazil

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