Vestas has received an 88 MW order from the Polish state utility PGE for the 22 MW Karnice II and 66 MW Starza Rybice projects that were amongst the winning wind projects at the Polish energy auction held in November 2018.
The two projects will feature 10 V110-2.2 MW and 33 V100-2.0 MW respectively as well as a 2-year Active Output Management 4000 (AOM 4000) service contract including the VestasOnline® Business SCADA solution.
Deliveries are expected to begin in third quarter of 2019, while commissioning is planned for fourth quarter of 2019.
Equinor has announced the acquisition of 50% shares in the two offshore wind schemes from Polenergia. Equinor will now co-develop the project. The Baltyk Srodkowy I, II and III wind farms with a maxi...
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