The Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN) has announced, after a competitive international bidding process, that the consortium of EDF (through its subsidiary EDF Renewables), Masdar, and Green of Africa, Moroccan Independent Power Producer, is the successful bidder for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of Noor Midelt I multi-technologies solar power plant.
With a capacity of 800 MW, this innovative hybrid solar project gathers concentrated solar power (CSP) and photovoltaic (PV) technologies. The hybridization of these technologies is a world first.
The combined operation of photovoltaic and concentrated solar power technologies increases the plant's output to produce flexible, dispatchable and competitive electricity for the Moroccan grid until five hours after sunset.
The plants will be installed 20km north of the town of Midelt in central Morocco, in the high plains surrounding the Moulouya River and between the Middle and High Atlas Mountains.
The first phase of the project entails the installation of two hybrid CSP-PV plants. The CSP components will each have a generation capacity between 150 and 190 MW.
Construction on the project is expected to begin in the last quarter of 2019, while energy will be delivered to the grid in 2022.
The project is a key milestone towards the achievement of Morocco’s objective to have 52% of its electricity generation produced from renewable sources by 2030.
IFC, a member of the World Bank Group, has forged a new partnership with Gaia Energy to create a joint platform for the development of wind power and other renewable energy projects in Africa.
Read moreSoluna Technologies, Ltd. has announced plans to develop a 900 MW wind farm in Morocco which will power a utility-scale blockchain computing facility. The total investment required for the project is estimated to be up to US$3 billion.
Read moreThe World Bank has announced that it is providing US$125 million to the Noor Midelt solar project in Morocco, supporting the development and construction of two concentrated solar power and photovoltaic plants, which will have a total capacity of between 600 and 800 MW.
Read moreThe African Development Bank (AfDB) has announced that it has approved a loan of US$265 million to support 800 MW of solar projects in Morocco, and will also lend approximately $US59 million to the 44 MW Singrobo-Ahouaty hydropower project in Côte d’Ivoire.
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