The project was completed

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Country updates

  • October 09, 2017

    Copel postpones the commercial operations of the wind complex

  • October 09, 2017

    GE is going to develop the project

    GE is going to develop the project. A PPA has been signed with Microsoft

  • October 09, 2017

    Elecnor has strated the construction phase of the Bungala One

    Elecnor has strated the construction phase of the Bungala One. The second phase is expected to start construction works by the end of the year

  • October 09, 2017

    TerraForm has approved the deal for the acquisition of the project in a special meeting

    TerraForm has approved the deal for the acquisition of the project in a special meeting. They can now choose to get USD 9.52 per share in cash or retain one share of Class A

  • October 09, 2017

    Adani has signed a PPA agreement for the project

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