The project has been inaugurated

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Country updates

  • September 15, 2009

    The facility started generating power for test purposes

  • March 01, 2009

    In March 2009, the backers agreed on an initial investment of €2.2 billion

  • February 15, 2009

    MT Hojgaard completed construction works on the project

  • November 10, 2008

    Vattenfall acquired the project from Christofferson, Robb & Co

  • September 16, 2008

    London Array announced the Abu Dhabi based Masdar would join E.ON as a joint venture party in the scheme

    London Array announced the Abu Dhabi based Masdar would join E.ON as a joint venture party in the scheme. Under the agreement, Masdar purchased 40% of E.ON's half share of the scheme, giving Masdar a 20% stake in the project overall

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