Siemens Gamesa has confirmed that it will supply the project

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Siemens Gamesa has confirmed that it will supply the project. The company is providing 70 units of its 4.2-MW OptimaFlex SWT-DD-130 turbines. The company anticipates installation to start in the spring 2019 and to be completed in the autumn. It has also received a 25-year full service agreement
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  • May 24, 2018

    Latrobe Council has granted planning approval to the project unanimously, but with certain conditions

    Latrobe Council has granted planning approval to the project unanimously, but with certain conditions. Epuron is currently finalising grid connection for the project, with the intention of commencing construction in 2019

  • May 24, 2018

    Facebook to purchase 300 MW wind power in Norway

    Vattenfall, Luxcara and Facebook have signed long-term supply and service agreements for integrating the output of three new Norwegian wind projects into the electric grid that provides power to Faceb...

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  • May 24, 2018

    The original 238 MW plant has been inaugurated

  • May 24, 2018

    Actis is looking to acquire a stake of 88% in the project

    Actis is looking to acquire a stake of 88% in the project. Kenneth Namunje and certain other partners at Craftskills Wind Energy International Ltd will cede some shares and thus reduce their combined...

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  • May 24, 2018

    The project has been officially commissioned

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