SIemens Gamesa has been selected as the technology provider

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SIemens Gamesa has been selected as the technology provider. Turbine deliveries are seen to start in the second quarter of next year. Commissioning is planned for 2019
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Country updates

  • July 13, 2017

    Three sites with around 100MW of capacity already have planning consent, one site is in the planning system already and seven other sites are in development

  • July 13, 2017

    Genex begins diligence phase with plans to secure financing

    Genex begins diligence phase with plans to secure financing. The company is working to secure offtake and distribution deals. Genex expects to begin construction on the project next year

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  • July 13, 2017

    DIF Infrastructure II fund has agreed to sell its portfolio to APG

    DIF Infrastructure II fund has agreed to sell its portfolio to APG. Further details about the transaction were not disclosed

  • July 13, 2017

    UGL has initiated construction works on the project

    UGL has initiated construction works on the project. It is expected to be fully operational by 2018

  • July 12, 2017

    Northern Australia Infrastructure Facility (NAIF) is considering providing debt facilities at a discounted rate for the project

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