RFP released for small island climate P3s

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The Climate Investment Platform (CIP) has released a request for proposals (RFP) to deliver climate public-private partnerships on small island developing states.

For this request for projects, the partners will allocate technical assistance to project preparation activities in the initial stages of the project development cycle, including enhancing project concept notes and the preparation of documentation to unlock funding for project development activities.

The aim is to support primarily public sector entities and public-private partnerships (P3s) in SIDS to mature and prepare project ideas and put them on a viable path to unlock and access public and private climate finance for further project development.

Through this request, the CIP will award Technical Assistance for US$30,000 to US$80,000 to support the development of a project concept, depending on the size and nature of the project idea, to eligible applicants.

The deadline to submit the proposals is May 27, 2021. The tender information can be accessed on our business opportunity here.

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