Lightsource BP starts operation of 70 MW Nitanny solar project in Franklin County

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Penn State University has begun purchasing renewable electricity generated from three Lightsource bp solar farms that have completed construction in Franklin County. The projects were initiated in early 2019 upon the signing of a 70 megawatt Power Purchase Agreement (PPA) under which Penn State would purchase 100% of the electricity generated by the projects constructed and operated by Lightsource bp.

In total, the solar farms will produce over 100 million kilowatt-hours of electricity in year one, supplying 25% of the University’s state-wide electricity needs and lowering Penn State’s greenhouse gas emissions by 57,000 mtCO2e per year, or the equivalent of removing 12,100 fuel-burning cars from the road. It will provide Penn State with estimated cost savings in year one of US$272,000 and more than US$14 million over the 25-year contract term.

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