GP JOULE to develop two 9 MW wind farms in Chile

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GP JOULE has announced that it is developing its first wind project in South America and will be installing two small on-shore parks in Chile in cooperation with the German company Energy Kitchen GmbH.

Two 9 MW wind parks will be built in the interior of the country, in each of the regions of Bío Bío and Los Lagos. The designated areas are some 400 hectares in size and have been successfully secured.

The next major milestone will be to ensure a successful approval procedure for the two wind parks, which are being developed through the PMGD (Pequeños Medios de Generación Distribuida/Small Distributed Generators) model. This model promotes decentralised energy generation units in the single-digit megawatt range with an individual tariff, which are connected to the network of an energy supply company.

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