Epuron has proposed a new 33 kV underground powerline to connect 280 MW Western Plains Wind Farm to Port Latta substation in the USA.
The powerline project is proposed to be underground for its entire 25 km length based on community consultation, discussion with involved landowners, the practicality of going both above and underground, and reducing visual impact. The powerline is part of the proposal and would be installed at the expense of the project located near Spearville, Kansas, approximately 100 miles west of Hutchinson. It would be a dedicated line to connect the wind farm to the substation.
Connection studies are well advanced and once they are completed, a connection application will be filed with TasNetworks. The electricity generated by the Western Plains Wind Farm would feed into the grid and service local demand. The wind farm can bid into the energy market to sell the power or have a power purchase agreement (PPA). It may also be contracted to a third party or involve a mix of some or all of these.