Enel S.p.A. signed an agreement with Chinese company CGN Energy International Holdings Co. Limited (CGNEI) for the sale of 100% of three fully operational renewable plants totaling 540 MW. The overall consideration of the transaction, to be paid at closing, is equal to the assets’ enterprise value and amounts to approximately BRL2.9 billion (US$0.76 billion).
The three renewable assets being sold are:
In line with the Group’s 2019-2021 Strategic Plan, this transaction aims to maximize and accelerate value creation by rotating assets to free up resources that can be invested in new projects, while Enel will continue operation and maintenance activities on the assets sold. The Brazilian renewable market is rich in opportunities for the Group, which wants to keep growing in the country, including by financing its new investments through the Build, Sell and Operate (BSO) model.
The closing of the sale of the three plants is expected by the end of the first quarter of 2019, pending certain conditions precedent, including approval by Brazilian antitrust authorities. The consideration is subject to adjustments in line with standard market practice for this type of transaction.
All three plants have long-term power purchase agreements (PPAs) in place. Lapa and Nova Olinda are supported by 20-year supply contracts that provide for the sale of specified volumes of energy generated by the plants to the Brazilian Chamber of Commercialisation of Electric Energy (Câmara de Comercialização da Energia Elétrica or CCEE). Cristalândia is supported by 20-year PPAs with a pool of Brazilian electricity distribution companies.