Construction of the project has been postponed indefinitely following a series of landslides at the site

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Construction of the project has been postponed indefinitely following a series of landslides at the site. Ituango was expected to begin operating in December 2018 and be supplying more than 17% of the country’s electricity by 2021. Empresas Publicas de Medellin (EPM) has planned to raise up to US$1 billion from asset sales to meet commitments for the facility
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Country updates

  • May 24, 2018

    Enel has announced that it is building the project

    Enel has announced that it is building the project. The plant is expected to begin operating in the second half of 2018

  • April 02, 2018

    MPC Capital announces partnership with Martifer Renewables

    MPC Capital, an international real assets investment manager headquartered in Hamburg, has announced a joint venture with Martifer Renewables, a developer of wind and solar energy projects. The ventur...

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  • March 22, 2018

    Celsia, the energy subsidiary of Grupo Argos, is negotiating the financing of the hydropower project

    Celsia, the energy subsidiary of Grupo Argos, is negotiating the financing of the hydropower project. The project is expected to begin commercial operation by 2020

  • March 13, 2018

    Celsia is preparing to start the construction of the solar farm

    Celsia is preparing to start the construction of the solar farm. The facility should be up and running by the third quarter of 2018

  • February 19, 2018

    Grupo Energia Bogota (GEB) has received the green light to build a 500-kV substation and three 500-kV transmission lines

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