Acciona plans to build the project

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Acciona plans to build the project. Operation is scheduled to commence in November 2019. The plant's output will be sold in the ERCOT-South Texas wholesale market
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  • April 09, 2018

    ERG SpA has agreed to acquire the wind project

    ERG SpA has agreed to acquire the wind project. The acquisition is expected to be concluded by the second quarter of 2018

  • April 09, 2018

    It has emerged that the project has also been submitted to the Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP)'s solicitation for offshore wind projects, which closed on 2 April

  • April 09, 2018

    Tokyo Century Corp is in talks to invest in the project

  • April 09, 2018

    ERG SpA has agreed to acquire the wind project

    ERG SpA has agreed to acquire the wind project. The acquisition is expected to be concluded by the second quarter of 2018

  • April 09, 2018

    ERG SpA has agreed to acquire the project

    ERG SpA has agreed to acquire the project. The acquisition is expected to be concluded by the second quarter of 2018

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