Vattenfall has taken the final investment decision for the the realization of a modern Combined Heat and Power plant in the Berlin district of Marzahn-Hellersdorf (Germany).
This decision paved the way for an investment of €325 million in an asset that will play an important role in achieving climate neutrality in Berlin.
The gas-fired CHP with 260 MW electrical and 230 MW thermal capacity and a fuel efficiency of approx. 90% will be among the most modern assets of this kind. The construction works at Allee der Kosmonauten are planned to start in April. The start of operation is planned for summer 2020.
Siemens AG has been awarded the contract as general contractor. Siemens will deliver the gas turbine which will be produced at Siemens’ traditional Berlin location.
Gunther Müller, spokesperson of the management board of Vattenfall Wärme AG, said:
The new CHP in Marzahn is an important element of this. It will ensure a climate-efficient and reliable district heating supply for the coming decades and will be the base-load power plant for the district heating areas in the Eastern part of the city.
Germany Federal Network Agency has announced its first tender for offshore wind, targeting 1,550 MW of capacity to be put in operation after 31 December 2020.
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