Vattenfall appoints Anna Borg as Senior Vice President for Business Area Markets

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Vattenfall appoints Anna Borg as Senior Vice President for Business Area Markets

Anna Borg, currently Senior Vice President and head of Klarna’s commercial operations in the Nordics, has been appointed Senior Vice President of Vattenfall’s Business Area Markets.

Anna Borg will be a member of Vattenfall’s Executive Group Management and report directly to President and CEO Magnus Hall. She will take up her new position 1 April, 2017. She will replace Stefan Dohler who was recently appointed CFO at Vattenfall.

During the past two years Anna Borg has headed Klarna’s, a leading European fin tech player, online buying and payment solutions business in the Nordics. Before that she spent 18 years at Vattenfall, holding numerous management positions, including heading the business development of the market and trading operations.

The last position was as Vice President Marketing and Sales Nordic with responsibility for electricity and heat sales as well as sales of energy-related products and services to all customers in Scandinavia (B2C, B2B and energy intensive industries).

Magnus Hall, Vattenfall’s CEO, said:

“I’m very pleased that we have been able to recruit Anna Borg back to Vattenfall. She will be a valuable addition both with her experience from Klarna and with her proven track-record as a leader of different kinds of businesses. In addition, she is a highly respected and appreciated leader, living up to the Vattenfall leadership profile of being visible, clear and courageous.”

Anna Borg stated:

"I am very much looking forward to joining Vattenfall and be part of transforming the company. In order to build business models for a more decentralized fossil-free energy market, customer centricity and distributed solutions will be core. Markets has a key role in value creation for Vattenfall, both in its own operations as well as creating opportunities for other business areas.”

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