Turkish Nuclear Power Plant Project near Sinop receives formal approval by Parliament

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Turkish Nuclear Power Plant Project near Sinop receives formal approval by Parliament

Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Itochu Corp. and GDF Suez have received the formal approval from the Turkish Parliament for the 4,400 MW nuclear power plant project near Sinop in Turkey.

The approval is for the Inter-Governmental Agreement between Turkey and Japan and the Host Government Agreement, which is a commercial agreement between the consortium members and the Government of Turkey.

This proposed 4,400 MW nuclear power plant project consists of four ATMEA1 nuclear power units built on a site in the Sinop district on Turkey’s Black Sea coast. ATMEA1 is a generation III+ pressurized water reactor (PWR) designed to the highest standards of safety, reliability and operating economy by a company co-owned by Mitsubishi Heavy Industries and AREVA.

In May 2013, Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Itochu Corp. and GDF Suez agreed to develop the approved nuclear project. Following this approval, the consortium will pursue a feasibility study for the nuclear power plant. It will carry out various assessments, including geological surveys, seismic hazard and environmental impact assessments in order to assess the suitability of the proposed construction site. The consortium will also undertake the preparation and assessment of the contractual and financing framework of the project.

The total project investment is estimated at US$22 billion.

GDF Suez operates seven nuclear reactors in Belgium at Doel and Tihange with an installed power capacity of around 6,000 MW in Europe. The group is supporting new developments in third generation pressurized water reactor (PWR) technologies which are the result of advanced engineering incorporating modern safety standards in accordance with extremely demanding requirements.

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