Spanish renewables advisor opens office in Chile

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Spanish renewables advisor opens office in Chile

The Spanish multinational Vector Cuatro, a company of Falck Group, has opened a new office in Chile as a new regional hub for its activities in South America and to further strengthen its international presence.

The new office is located in Santiago de Chile, in concrete in the Las Condes district, where the local team has been operating since a few weeks. This new location joins the local delegations that the group has at present outside of Spain, namely in Italy, France, Bulgaria, Japan, Mexico and the United Kingdom.

Vector Cuatro entered the Latin American´s renewable energy markets first in 2011 as Technical Advisor for solar PV plants. Given the strong growth of renewables in those markets in the following years, the firm finally opened in 2013 its office in Mexico as a firstregional hub from which it has managed so far all its operations in the continent, always supported by the Madrid headquarters. During 2016, as part of its international expansion, Vector Cuatro has focused on several countries in Latin America acting as independent Technical and Financial Advisor, thus positioning itself as a key reference in those markets and is starting to provide also asset management services. By opening the Chilean office the company aims to further strengthen its presence in the Southern American markets.

So far in Latin America, Vector Cuatro has provided services for 36 MW in asset management, 1,898 MW in technical services and 1,106 MW in transactions; carrying out several projects in Mexico, Guatemala, El Salvador, the Dominican Republic, Honduras, Panama, Ecuador, Peru, Argentina, Chile and Brazilwhere the company will participate in Intersolar South America in São Paulo by the end of August (23-25 August 2016).

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