South Australia launches tender process for 100 MW battery project

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South Australia launches tender process for 100 MW battery project

The State Government of South Australia has opened a two-week Expression of Interest period for national and international companies interested in building Australia’s largest grid-scale battery in South Australia.

The project will be the first financed by South Australia’s newly-created AUD150 million (US$116 million) Renewable Technology Fund. The battery must have a capacity of approximately 100 MW and be operational in time for this summer. The private sector will own, operate and maintain the battery.

The grid-connected battery will help store renewable energy from the wind and the sun and provide South Australians with the storage capacity they need at times of peak demand. The presence of the battery will also increase competition in the local energy market, helping improve system security and put downward pressure on prices.

Australia’s largest grid-scale battery is part of the State Government’s AUD550 million (US$425 million) energy plan South Australian Power for South Australians. The Renewable Technology Fund will provide AUD75 million (US$58 million) in grants and AUD75 million in loans to eligible projects to support private innovative companies and entrepreneurs.

The Fund will also be available for other large-scale renewable projects including solar thermal, biomass, hydrogen and pumped hydro. Grid-scale battery storage is at the cutting edge of renewable energy technology, with costs falling and capacities increasing. The technology allows for the storage of power from the wind and sun during times of low demand for usage at times of higher demand.

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