Solairedirect-ENGIE wins tenders in India and Mexico

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Solairedirect-ENGIE wins tenders in India and Mexico

ENGIE has been awarded a 75 MW Indian solar power project in conjunction with a new National Solar Mission tender offer, covering 420 MW of total capacity. This is the Group’s first project in the State of Uttar Pradesh, India.

This project receives financial subsidy amounting to 111,000US$/MW or about and will have a price to 6.64US$/kWh for 25 years.

In addition, through its subsidiary Solairedirect, ENGIE has been awarded a 23 MW solar power project in Mexico. With a tariff of 48 US$/MWh.

The occasion was the first long-term nationwide electricity procurement tender offer, whose purpose is to meet the country’s accelerating renewable energy goals for the country’s energy mix – 25% in 2018 and 60% by 2050. With this new project in Mexico, ENGIE is continuing its solar power developments in Latin America.

Through its subsidiary, ENGIE already operates two solar power installations in Chile and  is building a third one for a total of 55.3 MW. These successes follow on the 230 MW bid won in November 2015 jointly by its subsidiaires Tractebel Energia and Solairedirect in Brazil and the 40 MW won by Solairedirect in Peru in March.

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