The Bureau of Public Enterprises has issued a Request for Qualifications for the 700 MW Zungeru Hydroelectric Power PPP project in Zungeru Town of Niger State, Nigeria.
The Hydroelectric project is located on the Kaduna River 8 km upstream of the confluence of the Gumma River. It consists of four 175MW turbine/generating units built over an area of 39,950 sq km. The project includes a reservoir at an elevation of 230 m and a concrete faced rock fill dam with a maximum height of approximately 113 m.
The last date to submit the response is November 24, 2022. You can find more information about this RFQ on our business opportunity page here.
Multinational renewables developer Gigawatt Global Cooperatief has signed a Memorandum of Understanding with the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) to invest US$1 billion in renewable energy projects in the region.
Read moreInspired Evolution has signed a deal to invest up to US$36 million in Alten RE Developments Africa B.V., the sub-Saharan Africa-focused subsidiary of Alten Energías Renovables. The investment by Inspired Evolution’s Evolution II Fund will expand Alten Africa’s existing solar photovoltaic development platform across sub-Saharan Africa.
Read moreWith confirmed participation of H.E Honourable Malick Alhousseini, H.E Honourable Professor Alfa Oumar Dissa, Ghana’s Ministry of Energy, Autorité Nationale de Régulation du Secteur de l'Electricité (Anaré), TOTAL, CI-GNL, Regional Liquidity Support Facility (RLSF) and West Africa Gas Pipeline Authority Company (WAGPA), the fast approaching Regional Energy Co-operation Summit 2018 will establish the roadmap for sustainable electricity trade in ECOWAS’ booming gas and energy markets.
Read moreThe Federal Executive Council (FEC) of Nigeria has approved the US$2.8 billion Ajaokuta–Kaduna–Kano (AKK) gas pipeline project. The 40-inch pipeline will span 614km.
Read moreThe government of Nigeria has issued a request for expressions of interest (EOI) for the operation and maintenance of a hydropower plant located in Kaduna State.
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