RFQ for 230 MW solar (PV and CSP) project in Morocco 

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RFQ for 230 MW solar (PV and CSP) project in Morocco 

Moroccan Agency for Sustainable Energy (Masen) has launched a Request for Qualifications for Phase 2 of the solar thermal and photovoltaic (PV) project Noor Midelt. 

This is the first step in the selection process for the private partner which will take charge of the design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of the solar plant in Morocco’s central north-west region. The project will be implemented through a public-private partnership

The 230 MW solar power plant will combine both photovoltaic and concentrated solar power technology. The project is also expected to include energy storage.

In May 2019, Masen awarded a tender for the design, financing, construction, operation, and maintenance of Morocco’s Noor Midelt Phase 1 solar power plant to a consortium comprising EDF Renewables, Masdar, and Green of Africa. Masen Noor Solar Plan aims to develop 2 GW generation capacity by 2020.

African Development Bank, French Development Agency, European Investment Bank, World Bank, Clean Technology Fund, KfW, the European Commission and private investors will fund the project similar to the finance arrangement for the Noor Midelt I.

The plant will sell the electricity it generates to Masen under a 25-year power purchase agreement.

The deadline to submit qualifications is on 16 of September 2019.

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