Proposals sought for geothermal projects in the UK

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Proposals sought for geothermal projects in the UK

On behalf of the national Growth Programme Board, the Department for Communities and Local Government has invited applications seeking European Regional Development Fund support to carry out geothermal projects in Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly, UK.

This call is seeking to make an investment into enhanced geothermal system demonstration wells to build on existing research and knowledge of the deep geothermal resource in Cornwall and Isles of Scilly. This will also provide a greater understanding of the geology at depth in the area in relation to geothermal power generation to enable resources to become characterised as reserves

The geothermal resource represents a potentially significant opportunity for renewable heat and power generation. Previous projects such as the ‘Hot dry rocks project’ funded by the Department of Energy evidenced the temperature gradient in Cornwall’s granite at depth.

More recent studies suggest the development potential could be in the region of 100 MWe based on Combined Heat and Power and the existing heat demand or as much as 4 GWe of electricity production. The same studies suggest the United Kingdom resource could provide 4-20% of the United Kingdom’s electricity demand.

See call for proposals:

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