Pattern Energy to acquire interest in Armow Wind Power Facility

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Pattern Energy to acquire interest in Armow Wind Power Facility

Pattern Energy Group Inc. (Patter Energy) has announced its commitment to acquire a 90 MW interest in the operating 180 MW Armow Wind power facility in Ontario, Canada from Pattern Energy Group LP (Pattern Development).

Pattern Energy will acquire the interest in Armow Wind for a total cash funding commitment of approximately US$132 million. The acquisition will be funded with available liquidity and is expected to close within 45 days.

Armow Wind will be jointly owned by Pattern Energy and Samsung Renewable Energy, Inc. The facility reached commercial operation in December 2015 and operates under a 20-year power purchase agreement with the IESO in Ontario.

Located in Kincardine, Ontario, Armow Wind consists of 91 Siemens 2.3 MW wind turbines. The facility generates enough clean energy to power approximately 70,000 homes each year, based on annual residential energy use in Ontario.

Pattern Energy has rights of first offer to Pattern Development's project development pipeline, which includes approximately 5,900 MW of wind and solar projects.

The Conflicts Committee of the Board of Directors of Pattern Energy, which is comprised entirely of independent directors, reviewed and recommended the terms of the acquisition for approval by the Board of Directors, and it was approved by the Board. The Conflicts Committee was advised on financial matters by Evercore Group L.L.C., which also provided a fairness opinion, and on legal matters by Davis Polk & Wardwell LLP.

Mike Garland, President and CEO of Pattern Energy said:

"The commitment to acquire Armow Wind, on the heels of our successful equity offering last month, demonstrates our ability to use our available capital for accretive projects. We anticipate closing another acquisition from our identified ROFO list in the coming months. Looking ahead, our identified ROFO list includes 11 projects totaling 942 MW, providing clear visibility to 36% growth on our existing portfolio."

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