Jessica McDonald appointed new BC Hydro President and CEO

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Jessica McDonald appointed new BC Hydro President and CEO

BC Hydro’s board of directors announced that Jessica McDonald has been appointed as President and CEO of BC Hydro. The appointment comes after a three-month search initiated in February when current President and CEO, Charles Reid, announced plans to retire.

Stephen Bellringer, Chair, BC Hydro board, stated:

I'm very pleased to have Jessica join the BC Hydro team. She brings a wealth of experience as a senior leader in the corporate and public sectors and has served in the most senior public service position in the provincial government. I also want to thank Charles for his strong and steady leadership over the past several years.

From 2005 to 2009, Jessica McDonald served in the most senior public service position in government as deputy minister to the Premier, cabinet secretary and head of the public service, responsible for oversight of all government operations, including 36,000 employees and a $40 billion budget. Most recently, McDonald has served as an independent consultant specializing in management and organizational performance, and commercial mediation and negotiation. In April, she finished a review of the Industry Training Authority. Her final report set out 29 recommendations to enhance and strengthen B.C.'s trades training system.

Jessica McDonald, new President and CEO of BC Hydro, stated:

I’m very excited about this opportunity. BC Hydro has an important role to play in growing British Columbia’s economy and I look forward to leading a dedicated, skilled workforce and a strong capital investment program so that our customers can continue to benefit from an affordable, reliable and safe electricity system.

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