Colombia's Mining and Energy Planning Unit (UPME) has awarded to ISA the 230-kV San Antonio substation and associated transmission lines project.
The transmission project involves the design, construction, operation and maintenance of 230-kV San Antonio substation and associated transmission lines in the department of Boyaca, Colombia.
The project, which will be put into operation on June 30, 2018, will improve the reliability of the northeastern-Boyacá sub-area, ensuring the correct demand satisfaction.
ISA is one of the largest international transporters of electric energy in Latin America. The firm has 41,650 km of high voltage circuits and 77,710 MVA of transformation capacity. The company operates high-voltage transmission networks in Colombia, Peru, Bolivia Brazil and Chile and international interconnections between Venezuela and Colombia, Colombia and Ecuador, and Ecuador and Peru.
Milbank, Tweed, Hadley & McCloy LLP has announced that it has closed on a new advisory assignment for a large energy financing in Latin America.
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