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The Ministry of Energy and Mining has opened the tender for Round 2 of the RenovAr Program in order to promote fulfillment of the targets imposed to achieve 8% participation of renewable energy sources in the electricity grid for December 2017, and 20% for 2025.
The request for proposals documents have been approved and the deadline for offer submissions, either technical or financial, was October 19. So far, a total of 117 bidding documents have been sold for Round 2 of Argentina's RenovAr renewable energy programme.
The bidding documents sold are 58% more than in the previous round and the offers are expected to at least double the capacity tendered. The winning bids will be announced on November 29.
The last tender, launched in August, targets 1.2 GW of capacity, including 550 MW of wind, 450 MW solar, 100 MW biomass, 50 MW small hydropower, 35 MW biogas and 15 MW biogas from landfills. For each type of energy, the price cap is set at follows in US$/ MWh: 56.25 for eolic, 57.04 for solar, 110 for biomass, 160 for biogas, 130 for landfill gas, and 105 for small hydroelectric.
The World Bank´s guarantee for RenovAr Round 2 amounts US$250 million. This guarantee will cover potential events of default of the buyer, the Wholesale Electric Market Management Company (CAMMESA).
As we reported in early March, the World Bank approved a US$480 million guarantee to promote private investment in renewable energy projects under the RenovAr Program.
The RenovAr Program was implemented in 2016 through two tender rounds (known as Round 1 and Round 1.5) to award 59 projects. These projects will generate more than 2.4 GW and will be implemented throughout the country. Of the total, 27 projects requested the World Bank guarantee, including 12 wind projects (721 MW), 10 solar projects (306 MW), four small-scale hydro projects (4 MW) and one biogas project (1 MW).
In January, Argentina's Ministry of Mines and Energy signed the contracts with seven developers, for 315 MW of the 1,142 MW awarded in the first round of its renewable energy auction, RenovAr 1. The projects includeed five wind farms, one biomass and one biogas plants.
We have recently reported about several energy news in Argentina:
The Inter-American Investment Corporation (IIC), acting on behalf of the IDB Group, has signed a US$104 million financing package for Greenwind S.A., an affiliate of Pampa Energía S.A. and Castlelake L.P., to construct, operate and maintain the 100 MW Corti Wind Farm in Bahía Blanca, province of Buenos Aires, Argentina.
Read moreThe Argentina's province of Jujuy has launched a US$210 million green bond aimed to co-finance the development of the 300 MW Cauchari solar project, which was selected in the first round of Argentina's renewable energy auction, RenovAr 1.
Read moreThe Government of Argentina has launched the RenovAr Ronda 2 national auction, comprising 1,200 MW of renewable energy capacity.
Read moreArgentina’s Federal Energy Council has unanimous given the go-ahead for the development of the stalled 1,310-MW Nestor Kirchner–Jorge Cepernic hydropower complex planned for Santa Cruz River in Argentina.
Read moreIFC, a member of the World Bank Group, and the IFC Global Infrastructure Fund (GIF), a fund managed by the IFC Asset Management Company (AMC), have invested a combined US$100 million in Orazul Energy Partners LLC, an affiliate of Orazul Energy Holdings LLC, an energy platform in Latin America owned by I Squared Capital.
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