USA-based power producer and transporter, Dominion Energy has released a request for proposals (RFP) seeking qualified bidders for the development of a new photovoltaic (PV) solar generation and new onshore wind facility.
Dominion Energy is seeking PPA Proposals and Development Proposals for approximately 300 MW (ac) total capacity, from facilities between 10 and 150 MW each of Unit Capacity.
Each proposal must represent generation at a single site and shall not reflect an aggregate of multiple facilities at separate sites to meet minimum size thresholds. Commercial operation of the power plants has to start in 2019 or 2020.
The company will only consider proposals for facilities located in Virginia and linked to Dominion Energy Virginia's transmission or distribution system.
Developers have until 27 October to submit a notice of intent to bid, with final proposals expected by 1 December.
You can have further information in our business opportunities section.
Last month, we informed that Dominion Energy Virginia launched anorther RFP for 10 megawatts of new solar generation for the Community Solar Pilot Program.
In July, we reported that Dong and Dominion signed an an agreement and strategic partnership with DONG Energy to build two 6 MW turbines off the coast of Virginia Beach. Dominion Energy remains the sole owner of the project.
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