Mainstream Renewable Power has welcomed decision by the Court of Session to clear the way to proceed with the 450MW Neart na Gaoithe offshore wind farm in Scotland (UK). This decision has involved a a long-running judicial review brought by the RSPB (Royal Society for the Protection of Birds) of a planning decision by Scottish Ministers.
The 450 MW Neart na Gaoithe project involves the construction and operation of a large-size offshore wind farm of up to 75 turbines, 15 km off the coast of Fife, Scotland. The project site will be approximately 80 square kilometres, with the turbines sited in water depths of 45 - 55 metres.
Mainstream Renewable Power has been developing this project for over eight years, since it was awarded the development rights for the site from The Crown Estate in February 2009.
The total investment of the project will be around £2-billion (US$2.6 billion).
Mainstream anticipates the project will achieve financial close in 2018 with construction starting in 2019 and first commercial supply of electricity occurring in 2021.
Andy Kinsella, Chief Operating Officer, Mainstream Renewable Power said:
“After more than two years and two court hearings, we hope that the RSPB acknowledges a fair hearing and allows us to get on with delivering the very significant benefits this project brings to the Scottish economy and its environment."
“We are delighted with the decision and look forward to working constructively with the RSPB to take the wind farm into construction next year."
“This project was consented by Scottish Ministers in October 2014 on the advice of Scottish Natural Heritage and Marine Scotland. We have been rigorous throughout the project to work with partners and supply chain businesses to find the best possible way to deliver the project and we are looking forward to seeing NnG up and running."
The wind project will generate the cheapest electricity from any offshore wind farm in the UK. Several PPA offers have been received and are under negotiation for the full output of the plant.
We have lately informed about other offshore wind projects in the UK:
Greencoat UK Wind (UKW), managed by Greencoat Capital, has announced that it has acquired Bishopthorpe Wind Farm from BayWa r.e. for a total consideration of £47 million (US$60 million).
Read moreiCON Infrastructure has announced the first and final closing of a new €1.2 billion (US$1.37 billion) fund, iCON Infrastructure Partners IV.
Read moreScotland-based tidal energy developer Nova Innovation has won a major new European tidal energy project, heading a consortium of nine leading industrial, academic and research organisations from across Europe.
Read moreScottish Equity Partners (SEP) has completed a further clean energy infrastructure investment, funding the acquisition of the 9.2MW onshore wind farm at the Port of Tilbury, from SSE plc.
Read moreVortex, the European renewables platform has announced the the £337 million (US$435 million) refinancing of a 365 MW portfolio comprising 24 operational PV solar farms in the UK.
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