The Renewable Energy Project Development Office (REPDO), of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, has today issued the request for qualification (RFQ) for 400 MW of wind power in Dumat Al Jandal, in Al Jouf region of Saudi Arabia.
The RFQ window for Dumat Al Jandal closes on August 10th, 2017 when qualified companies will proceed to the RFP stage as either ‘managing members’, ‘technical members’ or both based on their experience in delivering IPP projects of this scale.
The announcement builds on the Kingdom’s initial tender for 300 MW of solar PV in Sakaka, issued on April 17th, 2017. As we reported, REPDO qualified 27 companies for the solar PV project and 24 companies for the 400 MW Midyan wind farm project.
His Excellency, Khalid Al-Falih, Minister of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, said:
“The National Renewable Energy Program is a long, and systematic path to energy and economic diversification for Saudi Arabia, and a cornerstone of the Ministry’s contribution to Vision 2030. “
“As we enter the second half of 2017, we remain committed to ensuring our ambitious program remains on track to deliver the value and opportunities targeted by the program,” continued H.E. Al Falih. “The release of Dumat Al Jandal RFQ, and upcoming RFP next month, ensuresthatwe remain on course to tender 700 MW in round one this year. It establishes a foundation that supports our success towards our 2020 and 2023 interim targets.”
Qualified bidders for the Dumat Al Jandal project will enter the RFP process due to launch on August 29th 2017, with the RFP process expected to close in January 2018. Companies whose pre-qualification application is unsuccessful as either a Manager or Technical role for this round retain eligibility to participate in future RFQs and RFPs under the NREP.
With both NREP round one projects set for deployment in the Al Jouf Province, Northern Saudi Arabia, the area is set for a significant direct and indirect economic boost from renewable energy investment and development over the next few years. More than 50 representatives of shortlisted companies visited the Sakaka solar PV project site in May, during an exclusive bidders’ conference ahead of the submission deadline in September. The announcement of the winning bid will follow in November 2017.
The Sakaka Solar PV project and Dumat Al Jandal Wind Power project will be backed by 25 and 20-year power purchase agreements respectively, and bidders for both projects are required to meet clear local content targets designed to support the development of a domestic renewable energy value chain.
You can have further information about the tender in our business opportunities section.
We have informed about other energy projects in Saudi Arabia:
ACWA Power, a developer, owner and operator of independent power generation & water desalination plants, and Arab Petroleum Investments Corporation (APICORP), a multilateral development bank established in 1975 by the 10 member states of the Organization of Arab Petroleum Exporting Countries (OAPEC), announced the signing of a sale and purchase agreement in respect of an 8% effective stake in Shuqaiq Independent Water & Power Project (Shuqaiq IWPP) in Saudi Arabia.
Read moreThe Renewable Energy Project Development Office (REPDO), of Saudi Arabia’s Ministry of Energy, Industry and Mineral Resources, has shortlisted qualified companies for round one of the National Renewable Energy Program (NREP).
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Read moreSaudi Arabia has launched Request for Qualifications for 700 MW of solar and wind energy. The government aims to award the contracts by September, with the cost of power forecast to be record low. The projects involve 300 MW of solar plants in the al-Jouf area and 400 MW of wind projects in nearby Tabuk.
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