IFC debt sought for PV plant in Guatemala

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IFC debt sought for PV plant in Guatemala

Anacapri S.A., a 100% owned by Grupo Onyx, a Central American conglomerate with operations in the infrastructure and services industries in Guatemala, El Salvador, Costa Rica and Paraguay, has requested financing from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) for the 93 MW-peak Horus Solar PV plant.

Anacapri S.A. was incorporated in Guatemala and its sole activity is to operate the project.

The project comprises the construction and operation of a 93 Megawatt-peak (MWp) solar photovoltaic plant in Guatemala for electricity production and sale to distribution companies in the country. The plant has already started operations and is expected to contribute with over 186 GWh to Guatemala’s electricity system in 2016.

The project is estimated to cost approximately US$165.5 million. IFC is considering to provide an up to US$41.3 million A loan to Anacapri. IFC will also help raise the debt financing needed to complete the financing plan.

The project is located in the in the municipality of Chiquimulilla in Santa Rosa Department, an area with intense solar irradiation located in the southern part of Guatemala, approximately 2 hours’ drive from Guatemala City. The project site comprises approximately 300 hectares of fully owned property and the grid connection to a 138kV transmission line is located at a substation contained within the area of the solar park itself.

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