EnBW Energie Baden-Württemberg AG has been successful against a field of renowned bidders in the first offshore auction in Germany with the acceptance of its bid for the 900-MW He Dreiht wind farm.
He Dreiht offers a combination of benefits unique in Germany: The wind farm is scheduled to be commissioned in 2025 and will benefit from rapidly advancing technological developments and the further professionalisation of the wind energy sector. As by far the largest single project in the competitive auction, He Dreiht is also based on excellent foundations for the highly efficient realisation of the project.
Important synergy and thus cost-saving effects also arise due to its proximity to the two EnBW wind farms in the North Sea: around 1,500 megawatts of capacity can be realised and operated in close proximity with Hohe See, Albatros and He Dreiht.
EnBW CEO Frank Mastiaux, said:
“We are extremely pleased with this result. EnBW is today already one of the leading developers and operators of offshore wind farms in Germany. We currently already operate two offshore wind farms with a capacity of around 336 megawatts and plan to realise two further wind farms with around 610 megawatts of generation capacity by 2019 – marking an important step in the implementation of our EnBW 2020 strategy. As announced at our press conference for the annual report in March, we will also push forward the expansion of renewable energies as a strategic focus of our company in the period beyond 2020. We have laid the foundations for sustainable growth in the period beyond 2020 by gaining approval for He Dreiht ”.
Joint owners wpd, Marguerite Fund, Siemens Financial Services, Industriens Pension, Pensionskassernes Administration (PKA), Caisse des Dépôts, ewz (Elektrizitätswerk der Stadt Zürich) have announced the successful conclusion of the refinancing for the Butendiek offshore wind farm.
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