Enbridge to buy stake in EnBW offshore wind park project

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Enbridge to buy stake in EnBW offshore wind park project

Canadian-based energy firm Enbridge has won the auction for EnBW's 49.9 percent stake in the 497 MW Hohe See offshore wind park located in Germany. 

The project is located in the so-called "exclusive economic zone" around 90 kilometers north of Borkum and 100 kilometers northwest of Helgoland covering an area of 42 square kilometers. The new facility will have an output of 497 megawatts and is expected to generate around 2000 gigawatt hours of electricity. The wind farm is being developed by the German energy company EnBW.

The total project investment is estimated at €2 billion (US$2.24 billion).

As we reported in February, Siemens will supply 71 wind turbines of type Siemens SWT-7.0-154 including the corresponding monopile turbine foundations. This was the first ever order in the German offshore market to combine the supply and installation of foundations and wind turbines in one contract.

After the successful realization and commissioning of the two offshore wind farms EnBW Baltic 1 (48 megawatts) and EnBW Baltic 2 (288 megawatts), EnBW is now pushing forward with its third and even larger wind farm in the German North Sea

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