EDF Energies Nouvelles extends two wind farms in Portugal

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EDF Energies Nouvelles extends two wind farms in Portugal

EDF Energies Nouvelles has announced the commissioning of extensions to the Ventominho (additional 23 MW) and Arga (additional 4.7 MW) wind farms, two of its assets in Portugal.
The additional 27.7 MW in capacity will raise the company’s total gross installed capacity in the country to 535 MW.

Originally commissioned respectively in 2008 and 2006, Ventominho and Arga wind farms are located in north-western Portugal, close to the Spanish border.

  • The Ventominho wind farm gets 10 turbines more on the top of the 120 already existing, raising its capacity from 240 MW to 263 MW.
  • The Arga wind farm gets two turbines more on the top of the 12 already existing, raising its capacity from 36 MW to 40.7 MW.

The annual output from these two wind farms is equivalent to the electricity consumption of close to 245,000 Portuguese households.

These wind energy projects are jointly owned by EDF Energies Nouvelles, Eolverde and DST.

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