Atlantis hires Macquarie to find investors for Scottish tidal projects

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Atlantis hires Macquarie to find investors for Scottish tidal projects

Atlantis, the tidal power sector developer, has announced that it has engaged Macquarie Capital to help develop its tidal power ambitions by reviewing options for attracting strategic, long term investors in its Scottish tidal power portfolio.

Atlantis, which owns the majority of the MeyGen project, the world's largest planned tidal current power project, has been growing its portfolio of tidal power development projects in Scotland via acquisition and can now offer potential investors an interest in a unique portfolio of tidal power projects.

Atlantis is on target to become the largest tidal power development company in the world, and its portfolio of Scottish tidal power projects currently includes MeyGen (398MW), Brough Ness (100MW), Mull of Galloway (30MW) and Kyle Rhea (8MW), and the company has ambitions to grow this portfolio in the near future.

Tim Cornelius, CEO of Atlantis, commented:

"Britain is leading the way in the development of tidal power and Atlantis is at the forefront having consolidated much of the industry in Scotland and helped to underpin its very bright future. Through the engagement of Macquarie Capital, we are bringing on an experienced team of renewable energy infrastructure experts who will work with Atlantis to communicate investment opportunities across the Atlantis portfolio to the industrial and financial investor communities in the UK, Europe, Asia and the Americas."

Mark Dooley, Head of Infrastructure, Utilities and Renewables, Macquarie Capital Europe, commented:

"Macquarie Capital is pleased to partner with Atlantis Resources, a leader in the tidal stream sector. Macquarie Capital has a long history of matching institutional capital to infrastructure projects, and we look forward to working with Atlantis to bring strategic, long term investors into their unique portfolio".

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