Atlantic Wind & Solar appoints new CEO

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Atlantic Wind & Solar appoints new CEO

Atlantic Wind & Solar, Inc. has recently announced the appointment of Mr. John S. Wilkes as President and Chief Executive Officer. Mr. Wilkes will oversee the implementation of the AWSLs’ South Asian expansion and seek to further elevate AWSL as an international presence in the renewable energy market.

Mr. Wilkes earned his C.A. designation with Price Waterhouse in Toronto, Canada. Upon obtaining his designation Mr Wilkes worked in Private Industry for a brief period of time before joining Coopers & Lybrand in Toronto, Canada. While there Mr. Wilkes focused on Mergers and Acquisitions. In the early ‘90’s Mr. Wilkes joined a junior investment bank Pagun Capital Corporation where he spent most of his time evaluating environmental technologies. Since 2005, Mr. Wilkes has been an Independent Investment Management Professional, making private investments in both private and public companies that, for the most part, have their core business in the environmental space.

Mr. Wilkes has lived and worked in Asia and, over the years, has developed a vast network in this region.

The appointment follows the resignation of Mr. Gilles A. Trahan, Chairman and CEO. Mr. Trahan stepped in as interim CEO in 2011 and successfully turn Atlantic around, back to its roots as a lean, nimble development company. Following record and rising losses and seemingly troubled times for the company and still no sales and $2.7 million in losses Mr. Trahan was tasked with a immediate turn around to ensure a future for its stakeholders.

During his tenor as interim CEO, Mr. Trahan worked closely with management cutting losses and building the sales pipeline. Atlantic’s project pipeline expanded exponentially, spanning 3 continents. During this time, delivering triple digit growth 3 years running and firmly planting the company in profitability.

Commenting on the appointment and resignation, Mr. Trahan stated:

“while it is with a heavy heart I announce my resignation, I knew this was a short term assignment. As I stated to the board upon my appointment, upon me successfully turning this company around I will be seeking a successor. With the company now profitable, a very bright future and with securing the right successor the time is now”.

Adding further:

“I am confident with Mr. Wilkes experience and pedigree that he is the right choice to lead Atlantic to much greater heights. I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all the employees and management and our shareholders for their continued support over the past few years. With a vested interest in continued success, I too will add my support to the company as it embarks on its next stage of evolution”.

President and CEO John Wilkes commented:

“I am thrilled with the prospects of further growth for Atlantic in the booming renewable energy market. I am committed to delivering the same dedication that Mr. Trahan demonstrated throughout his years with Atlantic and I look forward to sharing our progress with stakeholders in the near future. I am impressed by the professionalism that Management has exhibited in recent years. They have provided AWSL with a firm foundation to enhance future growth. I am excited to bring with me some fresh contacts and Business Development opportunities to further drive AWSLs’ growth initiative.”

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