ATCO Wins Bid to Build Pipeline in Mexico

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ATCO Wins Bid to Build Pipeline in Mexico

ATCO Mexico has been awarded a contract by the Comisión Federal de Electricidad (CFE) to design, build, operate and maintain a natural gas pipeline near the town of Tula in the state of Hidalgo, Mexico.

Valued at approximately US$50 million, this deal marks ATCO's first energy infrastructure project under the newly reformed energy sector in the country.

Nancy Southern, Chair, President & Chief Executive Officer, ATCO Group stated:

We are honoured to have been selected by the CFE to build and operate this important piece of energy infrastructure in this great country. ATCO has made a long-term commitment to Mexico and we consider it a great privilege to be a part of the community. We look forward to forming lasting partnerships and demonstrating that we are a trusted builder and operator of key infrastructure, just as we have done in Canada and Australia.

ATCO will be responsible for the design, construction, operation and maintenance of the pipeline that will transport natural gas approximately 16 kms to fuel the existing Francisco Pérez Rios power plant, near Tula. Expected to be in-service in 2015, ATCO will utilize a local engineering, procurement and construction firm to support the project.

ATCO's growth in Mexico is modeled after its existing Canadian and Australian operations consisting of diverse yet complementary businesses of power generation, natural gas and electricity transmission and distribution, and workforce accommodation and site services.

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