AES Corporation to develop India’s first grid-scale energy storage system

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AES Corporation to develop India’s first grid-scale energy storage system

AES India, a subsidiary of The AES Corporation and Mitsubishi Corporation, have announced a joint partnership agreement to deliver India’s first grid-scale energy storage array to the electric grid operated by Tata Power Delhi Distribution Limited.

AES and Mitsubishi Corporation will develop and own the 10 MW Advancion energy storage array, which will demonstrate peak load management, increase system flexibility and support high levels of reliability for more than 7 million customers in the region. 

Mr. Praveer Sinha, CEO and MD, Tata Power-DDL., said:

“For a rooftop solar program to be successful, it is important for the distribution network to integrate it with energy storage solutions to take care of power generation spikes and fluctuations, system stability, reactive power compensation and grid emergencies. Tata Power-DDL has implemented many smart grid technologies and is privileged to implement India’s first utility-scale 10 MW storage solution with AES and Mitsubishi Corporation. This will prove to be an important learning for developing integrated rooftop solar and storage solutions for India.”

Rajendra Shrivastav, President of AES India, said:

“Rapidly growing generation capacity will need large scale deployment of energy storage for transmission decongestion, protecting processing plants from grid frequency and voltage drop triggered outages. We expect electricity regulators in India will understand and appreciate the value of ancillary services these storage systems bring into the system operation.”

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