Acciona and Tuto Energy to expand the biggest Mexican solar project

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Acciona and Tuto Energy to expand the biggest Mexican solar project

The Puerto Libertad photovoltaic plant in the State of Sonora (México) will see its capacity increased by 50% to 339 MWp.

The circa. 270 MW rated capacity will be increased following the signature of a private purchase agreement between the joint venture that owns the project (participated at 50% by ACCIONA Energia and TUTO Energy) and the company TUTO Energy Trading.

The final destination of the energy, representing 90 MW (112 MWp), will be the facilities of a major Mexican industrial group.

The first phase of the project, for 180 MW (227 MWp), has already been allocated to the CFE (Federal Electricity Commission) following the award made in the second energy auction held in September 2016.

The recently-signed contract, the first private one under the new Law on the Electric Power Sector in Mexico, completes the photovoltaic plant, on which construction will begin in the last trimester of 2017, with its entry into service planned for the first semester of 2019.

Overall, the Puerto Libertad photovoltaic plant will produce electricity equivalent to the annual consumption of 489,000 Mexican homes and avoid the emission of over 776,000 metric tons of CO2 from coal-fired power stations, creating a cleaning effect on the atmosphere equivalent to 39 million trees through the process of photosynthesis.  

ACCIONA Energia will carry out the turnkey construction of the plant in the Engineering, Procurement and Construction (EPC) modality. The company has a long track record as a developer, constructor and operator of large photovoltaic plants in several countries: Chile, South Africa, Portugal, Australia and Spain.

ACCIONA ENERGIA Mexico Director Miguel Ángel Alonso announced:

“We are very pleased with this agreement, which gives the Puerto Libertad project the right dimension. It will be the biggest photovoltaic plant in Mexico, from where we will generate electricity to cover already-committed public and private consumption.”

He also thanked TUTO ENERGY and the BIOFIELDS Group – the parent company of the former:

“For its trust in our company as a partner for the project and as a client. I am sure that the future will show that this was a sound decision”

Roberto Giesemann, CEO of the BIOFIELDS Group, expressed his satisfaction at the agreement:

“We are very excited about being part of this great project and working with ACCIONA, one of the world leaders in the sector. This initiative represents a major step forward in the consolidation of our subsidiary TUTO ENERGY. We will continue working to position it as one of the key companies in the renewables sector in Mexico”. 

Mr. Giesemann added:

“The BIOFIELDS Group will continue with its commitment to develop and invest in projects that contribute to the sustainability of our group and our country”.

Through the Puerto Libertad project, ACCIONA makes its entry into the photovoltaic sector in Mexico, where it already holds a leadership position in the wind power sector with 858 MW installed for itself or for third parties, equivalent to 22% of the country’s operational capacity at the end of 2016. It will soon start construction work on a new 168 MW wind farm (also under its ownership) in Tamaulipas, the result of an award in the first long-term electric power supply action under the energy reform in Mexico.

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