14 winners for France’s Biomass power tender

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14 winners for France’s Biomass power tender

Ségolène Royal, France's Minister of Ecology, Sustainable Development and Energy, launched in February 2016 a first call for tender for the biomass/biogas sectors over a period of three years in order to give legibility to the industrialists resulting this into the designation of 14 winning projects.

This involves an annual volume of 50 MW of new wood as a feedstock energy installations of more than 300 kW and an annual volume of 10 MW of new biogas-fed facilities of more than 500 kW.

For the first tranche, 41 applications were received for a total power of 156 MW. All of the files submitted were complete and CRE instructed them on the proposed sale price of electricity, quality of supply, energy efficiency and air quality material performance.

On this basis, Ségolène Royal designated 14 winning projects: 12 projects for the wood as a feedstock and 2 biogas-fed projects. They will benefit of an investment of more than €170 million and will produce a total of 480 MWh of renewable electricity per year.

The project carried out by Grenoble Alpes Métropole is the first project that will benefit from the bonus put in place by the Minister in 2016 for all calls for tenders to support structures using participatory investment.

The average price, weighted by the power of the installations, of the winners is €122/MWh over a period of 20 years. A second application period is open: candidates must submit their tender before 1 September 2017.

List of projects selected this year:


Wood as a feedstock installations of less than 3 MW

Rank Candidate Name​ Name of the project Electrical Power (MW) Region Municipality


23 CIBV – CARBONEX CIBV Cogénération 1,70 Nouvelle Aquitaine Bugeat – Viam
2nd 20 CARBONEX CARBONEX Lacanau 1,40 Nouvelle Aquitaine Lacanau – Médoc
3rd 21 CARBONEX CARBONEX Gyé sur Seine 1,40 Grand Est Gyé sur Seine
4th 22 SBI – SARTHE BIOMASSE INGEN’R SBI Cogénération 0,90 Pays de la Loire Spay
5th 25 CERTIFICAP S.A.G. 1,00 ProvenceAlpesCôte d’Azur Berre l’Etang
6th 17 COMBRAILLE BOIS ENERGIE (COBE) ENERGIE BIOMASSE LIMOUSIN 2,50 Nouvelle Aquitaine Masbaraud -Mérignat
7th 34 Nass&Wind Bois Energie COGEVOSGES 0,61 Grand Est La Bresse
8th 14 CBST Comptoir des bois secs et transformés COGENERATION BIOMASSE CBST 1,00 Nouvelle Aquitaine Genouillac
9th 19 KUNKEL COGENERATION BIOMASSE de type ORC KUNKEL 1,32 Normandie Le Teilleul


Wood as a feedstock installations of more than 3 MW

Rank Candidate Name​ Name of the project Electrical Power (MW) Region Municipality
1st 30 FIBRE EXCELLENCE Saint Gaudens SAS BIO2 ST-GAUDENS 25,00 Occitanie Saint Gaudens
3rd 12 N.U.P. GRENOBLE ALPES METROPOLE 8,30 Auvergne Rhône Alpes Grenoble 


Biogas plants

Rank Candidate Name​ Name of the project Electrical Power (MW) Region Municipality
1st 43 SAS METHAGOASMIN Méthanisation à la ferme de Goasmin 0,51 Bretagne Plusquellec
2nd 13 SAS AGRIMAINE METHANISATION Agrimaine méthanisation 3,58 Pays de la Loire Charchigné
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