WPR Participações

Company description

WPR Participações Ltda. is a subsidiary of Brazil's WTorre Group. The company was awarded a contract to build the Gentio do Ouro II­-Bom Jesus da Lapa II, C1 Transmission Line that will run from the Gentio do Ouro II substation to the Bom Jesus da Lapa II substation in Bahia state. WPR Participações Ltda was founded in 2014 and is based in São Paulo state. The company focuses on Entertainment, construction, infrastructure, real estate development, properties, shopping centers and logistics centers

Other companies in Brazil

Rio de Janeiro
Sao Paulo

Company details

São Paulo
Av das Nacoes, Unidas, 14261 - Ala, A1 Andar 15 Sala 2, São Paulo, Brazil

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions