Waste Energy Power Partners (WEPP)

Company description

The company is based in London, UK. It is specialized in optimising and managing waste and energy infrastructure. the company's service include acquiring and delivering assets , including obtaining necessary planning permissionsn, management and advising , overseeing projects during construction and operational phases.

Other companies in UK (United Kingdom)

Company details

41 Dover Street London W1S 4NS

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • October 29, 2021

    Octopus Renewables buys 17 MWe Oldhall Energy Recovery plant in Irvine

    Low Carbon and Waste Energy Power Partners (WEPP) have announced the sale of Doveryard Limited to funds managed by Octopus Renewables, which will see the construction of the Waste-to-Energy facility o...

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