Sun Pacific Holding Corp

Company description

Sun Pacific Holding Corp, formerly EXOlifestyle, Inc., is a green energy company that specializes in solar and waste to energy technologies. The Company focuses on deploying its subject matter capabilities and experiences in green energy solutions. The Company designs, develops, builds and manages green technologies that support renewable energy solutions. Through its subsidiary, Street Smart Outdoor Corp, the Company offers advertising space on bus shelters and bus benches, solar digital shelters and place-based solar trash bins. The Company's solar power bus shelters and energy lighting solutions offers customers with turnkey systems. The Company's subsidiaries include Sun Pacific Power Corp, Street Smart Outdoor Corp, Bella Electrical LLC, National Mechanical Corp and Sun Pacific Security Corp.

Other companies in (USA) United States of America

Company details

215 Gordon?S Corner Road Suite 1A Manalapan

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • December 02, 2019

    NMG, SEDI to build a 40 MW solar PV project in Durango

    National Mechanical Group (NMG), a wholly-owned subsidiary of Sun Pacific Holding Corp, in partnership with Soluciones De Energia Diversificada Internacional, S.A.P.I. (SEDI), a unit of Blis...

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