
Company description

SolarGen is a family-owned business based in Denver, CO. With almost 40 years of experience developing energy and water infrastructure, SolarGen has developed 1,100 MWs of natural gas power, 1,000 MWs of wind, and 500 MWs of solar. As of October 2022, the company is actively developing over 500 MW of power across the United States.

Other companies in (USA) United States of America

Company details

4100 E Mississippi Ave #500 Denver, CO 80246 USA

Participation in projects

Projects Transactions
List of the updates in which the company was involved

Company updates

  • October 11, 2022

    GSI, SolarGen plan 40 MW solar PV project in Minnesota

    Allied Solar, a new joint venture between Greenwood Sustainable Infrastructure (GSI) and SolarGen, is planning to build a 40 MW solar photovoltaic project located on approximately 200 acres of private...

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